Sunday, August 31, 2008

French fries and fruit

Little Bear does not like french fries.

The reason, I am recording this rather trivial event is to inform him when he reads this blog someday years from now when he is not 'little' anymore. Probably some day when he has just finished a plate of french fries, chips or some other greasy food which are not a part of Little Bear's meals today.

We are a pretty health conscious family. We eat balanced meals usually using organic foods, try to work-out regularly and stay away from empty carbs. We payt a lot of attention to Little Bear's meals to make sure they are packed with all the essential nutrients, protein and fat. I do this because I have a feeling that as he grows older, more independent and exposed to what most of the world is eating,he will want to decide his meals, opting for the fatty, greasy, sugar laden foods that he was deprived of in his early years. Perhaps the foods he eats now will more than offset the bad foods he eats in the future.

So Little Bear, if you are reading this, remember that once upon a time not to0o long ago you did not like french fries.

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