Friday, April 11, 2008

The Child is father of the Man

Dear Little Bear,

Here is the first of hopefully many letters to you. We hope you will cherish them and that they will bring a smile to your face whenever you read them.

MY HEART LEAPS UP WHEN I BEHOLD By William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety

I read this poeam when I was in school and loved it..I realize now that I did not quite understand its meaning completely..

Last night as I was tucking you into bed and recalled the happenings of the day, it suddenly occurred to me that I finally understood what Wordsworth meant when he said 'The Child is the father of the Man'

I think Worsdworth wanted to say that we have a lot to learn from our children. We are all born with a pure heart full of compassion, ability to forgive easily and love everyone. As we grow older we somehow lose the purity and the selfless spirit. When we have children we are suddenly reminded of what it is to be a kid, not the part where you can throw tantrums but the good parts...

So, Little Bear here are some things that your mom and dad have learnt or rather re-learnt from you ...


You try and try something that you are passionate about. Like when you learnt to crawl or walk - you wanted to do it all the time till you got it right ...You never gave up, even though I wished you would take it easy and not do it for a while..

You also are persistent in your requests for something if you really want it. .If you want to watch Barney and I decline the request, you find creative alternative ways to ask me again and again..And you never forget! You continue asking for it till your wish is granted..Sometimes we meet half-way - you can only watch barney for 15 minutes, but how is it that you always get your wish granted? I suspect its not all your cuteness and charm. Its your persistence..Thank you for this important lesson


The most common and ordinary things can amuse you. You don't really need expensive toys or things, mostly, just our undivided attention...You are just as happy with a new Spiderman bicycle as you are with a new book from the dollar store!


You are the kindest person I have met. You harbor no ill will and will love anyone who is friendly or nice to you. You don't ponder over hidden agendas or past are who you are and don't change it from person to person..


You shock us sometimes with your innate understanding of situations. You are thoughtful to stop using your 'loud' voice and whisper when you know that your mother is sleeping in ..

If you notice that I accidentally bumped my foot somewhere you bend low and kiss it just like we do when you get a boo-boo..


You are so thanful when you get something you want...Although its mostly your smile and your laughter that gives it away, lately, you have learnt to say 'Thank you' and are quite liberal about using it ..You tell me 'Amma- you are so nice' when I give you a bath or when I take you to the park ...


I am guilty of raising my voice at you sometimes and it always amazes me how it does not affect you ..You are the same cheerful person during and right after the yelling episode..I wish I could be like you and forgive people easily and not dwell on something they said or did..

So, Little Bear please keep the lessons coming! they are very much valued and appreciated.We only hope and pray that as parents we are able to nurture not quell these fine qualities.

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