Friday, October 10, 2008

This day in history and some rambling ..

This week, the Dow ended at 8,451.19 . The CNN headline a minute ago read 'Vertigo on Wall Street'. The DOW plummeted 25% since September 26th when a banking crisis hit the financial sector. The ripple effect this has created is worldwide with investors everywhere feeling the pain ...The headline read ' US Stocks end worst week mixed after roller coaster session'. And this is not the end - As analysts predict that the market is looking at a new low.

The middle class is feeling the pain as companies tighten expenses, layoff workers and shut down operations. While we are no where near retirement, there is some concern about our investments and savings. Really, is our money safe? How do we get a control on our finances and put more into our nest egg? I know what I'm going to do. cancel my gym membership ($60/month)..I love the gym but am pretty sure,that with some discipline and creativity can get some workout at home.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Are you my friend?

A curious thing happened today. We were invited to a fall fest at Little Bear's school. The event was in the school playground- there was music, food, lots of games for kids and we had the opportunity of witnessing the kids interact with each other.
Little Bear is definitely opening up and getting 'socialised". It was a pleasure seeing him play with other kids and occasionally come up to me and point and tell me (introduce) that so and so was in his class.

One thing is clear. The boy gravitates towards girls..he follows them around... All the kids he pointed to (aka introduced) were girls..At one point he positioned himself at the top of the slide and proceeded to question each kid (girls) as they waited to go down the slide -' Are you my friend?" If you answered with a "Yes/No", you were let through and allowed to slide down. If you did not reply, he blocked their way and asked you again ..I thought it was sweet and some of the parents watching this also thought it was hilarious!

One of the girls in his class, a 4 year old said "No, you are not my friend". He let her through but she came up again and he asked her again. This must have happened atleast half-a dozen times. It probably bothered Little Bear because he asked me why she said she was not his friend. Sadly, I really did not know what to say to him.

I was deep in conversation with another parent when a beaming Little Bear came to me and said "Amma, she said yes. She IS my friend". Persistence had paid....

When I tucked him into bed tonight, I reminded him of the wonderful time he had had at school today. "Amma, why did that girl say that she was not my friend?' asked Little Bear. "Not everyone needs to be your friend", I explained. "Its ok if some one is not your friend. You have so many friends." I hope this was the "right" answer to his dilemma. What I really want to tell him is that this is a lesson life will teach him through experiences, some good and some not so good.